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 about  me

I have been painting and drawing as long as I can remember.


I studied Art and History of Art at the University of Victoria, graduating in 2011.

In 2016 I moved to Yellowknife and I worked as a pilot flying a Twin Otter on floats in the summertime.

Much of the inspiration for my artwork comes from the beautiful soft colours and stark landscape of the Northwest Territories.

I am also inspired by the landscape of BC, my home province.

As well as painting, I love my job as a yoga instructor in Yellowknife.

I live in Yellowknife with my husband Chris, my two dogs Sitka and Whistler, and my four cats Seamus, Ripley, Fergus, and Prana.


“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.” 

Pablo Picasso 

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