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Dreams. Who doesn’t love a good dream?  Sometimes, before I drift off to sleep, I imagine I am in a faraway place, or doing something fantastical and unreal, or eating something perfect and delicious. I prepare myself with these sensations for a night of great dreams. In your dreams, you have the freedom to cultivate your wildest imaginings. Piece together images and sensory experiences, a bolt of colour, a snippit of a memory, like the taste of gelato on a street corner in Rome, the dry softness of Sahara sand running through your fingers, or the warmth of being enveloped in laundry fresh out of the dryer. I create art like I roam through my dreams. My work is a collage, a patchwork quilt of fun and alluring imagery, all bound up and layered together.

I work mainly in acrylic, experimenting by pairing images together from media, nature, my imagination, that don’t necessarily make sense, they just need to make me smile. As in a dream, when I paint, anything is possible.  I like to keep my work campy and fun, using bold colors, sexy curves, and unique characters. Painting and drawing is the closest sensation in the world to embarking on an adventure, jumping in a huge pile of leaves, watching a great sunrise after a long night, or splashing in a puddle on a rainy day- absolute bliss.
 I hope that my work makes you smile too.

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